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 IRONOLOGY FOUNDER | Ronnetta Griffin

Ronnetta Griffin, also known as the Iron Queen by the individuals she has helped, is certified by the Iron Disorders Institute as an Iron Educator and serves as an advocate for awareness about Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA), a serious and potentially deadly disorder that she has struggled with most of her life. As a member of the Board of Directors of the Iron Disorders Institute, a national non-profit organization whose vision is that no one should suffer or die prematurely because of Iron-Out-of-Balance,™ she serves as the organization's spokesperson for IDA. Iron disorders are extremely prevalent (30-40% of women suffer from IDA) and range from those with too little iron (iron deficiency with or without anemia) to those with iron overload (hemochromatosis).

Ronnetta is also the founder of Get Your Iron Up. Through her work with the Iron Disorders Institute, she has devoted thousands of volunteer hours to help ensure that other women fully understand the dangers, red flags, diagnosis, treatment and management associated with the disorder. She has helped organize free public iron screenings, patient workshops, educational seminars and iron symposiums for physicians and medical professionals -- all in an effort to bring to light the significance of achieving and maintaining wellness through iron health. 

Ronnetta launched Ironology Health Solutions in January 2018 with the help of Cheryl Garrison, Executive Director of the Iron Disorders Institute, to develop cutting-edge solutions for those individuals living with Iron-out-of-Balance®, especially those struggling with the debilitating symptoms of iron deficiency anemia and hemochromatosis iron overload. Ronnetta is proud to continue to be able to help people all over the world to overcome their iron disorders.

In addition to the two core products, Ferritin Boost for iron deficiency and Iron Block for hemochromatosis iron overload, a complete system of natural supplements to help combat the symptoms and results of both iron disorders is in development.